How to move the position of your Firmable Enrichment app in HubSpot

Learn how to adjust the position of the Firmable Enrichment app CRM card in the right sidebar of HubSpot

Below is a guide explaining how you can make it easier to find and quickly use the Firmable Enrichment CRM card in HubSpot by moving it to a more prominent position in the right sidebar.

By default, when you install the app it will place the Firmable Enrichment card at the bottom of the right sidebar. Ideally, you would have it located at or near the top of the right sidebar for quick and efficient enrichment processing. 

Follow the instructions below for how an administrator can change the default location for all users, or how an individual can personalise their own view. 

Move the Firmable Enrichment CRM card: Change the Default view for all users

  • From the company view, in the right sidebar, click on Settings.
  • In settings click on Record Customization.
  • From here you are able to customise the layouts. Click on Customize the right sidebar.
  • From Default view you will be able to make your edits. By editing here, the changes will reflect on all the users in your company that are not assigned to a custom sidebar. Click on Default view.
  • Once in default view, you will be able to see all the CRM cards on the page.
  • Move your cursor on the side of Firmable enrichment CRM card unitl you see the hand cursor.
  • Click and hold the hand cursor while you drag it up into position you want. Let go to drop it into place.
  • Click on Save and the changes would reflect on anyone in the same company.

Move the Firmable Enrichment CRM card: Change the personal view for an individual only

  • Move your mouse cursor to anywhere along the top of the Firmable enrichment CRM card until you see the hand cursor. 

  • Click and hold the hand cursor while you drag it up into position you want. Let go to drop it into place. 

We hope this guide helps streamline the process of customising your view of CRM cards in HubSpot, enabling you to make the most out of your Firmable Enrichment HubSpot app.


Learn more about How to connect the Firmable Enrichment HubSpot app

Learn more about How to use the Firmable Enrichment HubSpot app