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How to cancel your Firmable trial or subscription

Learn how to cancel your Firmable account either during your trial or at any stage of being a customer with us

While we'd be sorry to see you go, we understand that circumstances may change, and you might need to cancel your Firmable trial or account. Below is a step-by-step guide to help you through the process.

If you're on a trial, you can cancel at any time within the 14 day period and won't be charged anything (i.e. you won't roll over to your paid subscription). 

If you’re on a monthly or annual paid subscription, you can cancel your subscription at any time.

You'll continue to have access to the platform for the remainder of your subscription term (e.g. if you cancel in your eleventh month of an annual subscription, you'll still have access until the end of your twelve month period, as measured from your original subscription date). 

How to cancel

  • Log into your Firmable account and click on your profile image in the top right corner then click Manage account.Home screen - manage account
  • Click on Plans and subscriptions. You'll see details of your current subscription plan summarised. Click on the arrow.
    plans and subscription cancel 1
  • Click on Cancel subscription.
    plans and subscription cancel 2
  • A more detailed view of your current plan will be shown. Here you can change or Add payment method, Update (billing) information, and access all invoice history.
  • To cancel your current plan, click on the Cancel plan button located in the top right corner.

  • On the following screen, you'll receive confirmation of the cancellation date. To finalise the process, click on Cancel plan.

  • Your subscription will be cancelled. We value your feedback and would appreciate if you could fill out a brief survey to help us improve our product.

Note: If you are cancelling due to specific issues or concerns, feel free to reach out to our support team at support@firmable.com.

We hope this guide makes the cancellation process clear. If you encounter any difficulties or have questions about the cancellation process, reach out to us at support@firmable.com and we'll assist.